2023 UNESCO Internship Program for International Students: Study in the UK

The UNESCO Internship Program offers students and recent graduates a valuable learning experience where they can familiarize themselves with UNESCO’s mandate, programs, and processes. Through practical assignments, participants have the opportunity to enhance their academic and technical knowledge.

UNESCO, which stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is dedicated to promoting peace through international cooperation in the fields of Education, Sciences, and Culture. Its programs contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the UN General Assembly’s Agenda 2030.

Please note that the internship duration can range from one to six months, and participants are responsible for arranging and financing their travel as well as obtaining any necessary visas. Medical insurance is also required, and interns must provide a medical certificate indicating their fitness to work before the start of the internship.

To apply, prospective applicants should have their motivation letter and résumé ready and fill out the application form within the one-hour time limit. Contact details must be valid for the next six months, and applications can be submitted in either English or French. In cases where documents are not in these languages, unofficial translations should be provided.

It’s important to note that the UNESCO Internship Program does not provide any form of remuneration or compensation to interns. Placement is not guaranteed, as there are typically more qualified applicants than available positions. If selected, candidates will be directly contacted by the manager, while unsuccessful applicants will not receive individual responses. Applications remain in the internship portal for six months.


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